Monday, April 11, 2011

Why Do Schools Stigmatize “Gifted Children”?

Hozan Hasan
RRJ #2

Bennett, P.W. (2010, November 27). Smart Kids: Why Do Schools Stigmatize “Gifted Children”?. Retrieved March 30, 2011 from


According to this article, we assign children to schools as gifted, and remedial are the big common issues in the USA and Canada and most controversial topics between parents to send their children to gifted school, and they work hard just to pay for their kids’ private school. It’s really unfair to separate children to gifted, remedial programs, because of creating two types of schools and dividing kids into smarter and dumber.


According to 109 responses of that article, most of them believe that labeling is the worst thing for kids, because parents think that if they send their kids, they just label them as a good student or kids can’t be smart and successful; furthermore, students who are labeled in remedial schools or class feel not smart, and they don’t care about studying, homework, or classes. According to some responses which I read, they don’t believe that labeling kids makes a difference and they wrote that every child, when born is different from the others naturally and skills differ between children, so parents can’t push kids to try to study hard to be able to label them in gifted classes. Also labeling affects the public schools’ remedial students psychologically; hundreds of years before gifted schools existed, everyone studied at public schools and those public schools created rich, smart, successful people; thousands of philosophers graduated from high schools. At that time there was nothing, named “gifted” or “exceptional “schools. The individual’s effort in class and student’s performance and studying hard was important for being smarter, not separating nor labeling making kids smarter or successful. Generally, poor people and middle class incomes in society do not like separating and labeling kids because they have no money or a high income to pay too much, fees of private classes or private schools for their children. For that reason they believe in equality among students without labeling them, but rich parents support the idea of labeling kids, because they have a higher income and they can pay for their kids to study at the best schools. Stigmatizing gifted children has a bad effect on kids because emotionally and socially they feel farther away from other students and society; they feel isolated and poor in communicating. It is wrong to separate your kid and send your kid to private places far from public places.

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